
tied up in knots

Even a tree can get tied up in knots! But when a tree lives on the coastline of Ucluelet, it’s not a big surprise. Ucluelet and Tofino are incredible storm watching locations for the western coastline of Vancouver Island. Said… Continue Reading…


nature reclaiming

Returning to the same location as the blog post haunting, here is another viewpoint of it. While the previous blog post showed us an invitation to step inside, this week’s image definitively shows nature encroaching and reclaiming its land and the building.… Continue Reading…


harling point

Today’s blog is about history in Victoria, BC. Harling Point is the place to find Canada’s oldest Chinese Cemetery, designated as a Canadian historical site. It was chosen by the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association in 1903 for its ideal feng shui properties.  The site, backed… Continue Reading…



The path is clear. The sky is daunting. The door is open. It is both eerily quiet of the hustle and bustle of civilization and full of nature’s noise. What will you find inside? Abandoned and derelict buildings fascinate me. Time has ravaged them and… Continue Reading…


old battery

Macaulay Point Park is home to a battery built in 1878, which was to ensure the coast was defended in case of a Russian attack (the Russo-Turkish War was then ongoing). It formed part of Fort Macaulay. The foundation of… Continue Reading…



Welcome to the Pacific coastal temperate rainforest, among the largest wettest, non-tropical areas in the world. It is full of living and decaying material and life—trees, mosses, fungi, lichen, shrubs, soil, vertebrates and invertebrates. It’s an amazing and rare ecosystem, covering less than 1% of… Continue Reading…


detail and texture

Rich fauna, beachfront, forest of Douglas fir, big leaf maple and Garry oak trees, rivers, creeks and lakes…all in one regional park. It is easy to forget you are minutes from a major city when you walk the trails at… Continue Reading…


mermaid steps

Along Dallas Road, near Ogden Point’s breakwater, is a set of stairs. Actually there is more than one set of stairs. The first level stairs lead to a viewing landing. The second set leads to the ocean. This is the second set leading down from… Continue Reading…


life on the edge

Along the magnificent outer west coast of Vancouver Island lies Ucluelet. The word Ucluelet (pronounced you-KLEW-let) is a local First Nations word meaning “people with a safe place to land”. And at the tip of the peninsula, you can walk… Continue Reading…


hot lazy days

There’s nothing like a hot day to make one seek out respite. And there is no lack of places to enjoy the heat and have a lazy day when you live in Victoria. Just a short drive from Victoria’s urban… Continue Reading…