
neglected gate

What lies beyond this garden wall and its gate? What adventures and discoveries will you find? Will it be an overgrown garden? Does the path lead to an abandoned house? Great photography starts with the artist’s eye for composition and a profound… Continue Reading…


caption this

The one thing I’ve learned about birds is how bloody intelligent they are. Gayle and I have spent many years being owned by parrots and each and every one of them has/had amazing and amusing personalities. Kiki would get a… Continue Reading…


vintage gas pump

This vintage gas pump sits forgotten in what could be considered a junk yard but is part of a historical artifacts collection. This pump no longer has a use in today’s world. Nostalgia is often about personal, important events, people you care about and places… Continue Reading…


Japanese maple

This elegant Japanese Maple tree is afire with colour. These trees add a splash of colour to any garden. This spectacular tree can be found in Victoria’s Government House gardens. In this image, the sunlight is highlighting the dark red foliage. But what I love… Continue Reading…


local petroglyph

Petroglyph is a word combined from ‘petra’ – stone and ‘glyphein’ – to carve, thus it means a carving in stone.  On the southern coastline of Vancouver Island is a beautiful regional park—East Sooke Park—where, at Alldridge Point, you will find petroglyphs created… Continue Reading…


patterns in nature

Though these trees are the same type, the peeling, cracked texture of their bark and the difference in moss growth on each has created organic patterns in nature.  I am always on the prowl for unique patterns in nature. I like to blend… Continue Reading…



These clouds started as white and fluffy and grew to dark and stormy, signalling the possibility of a rain storm. Such a sight is common on Long Beach, an expansive sandy beach in Tofino, B.C. Clouds are a fascinating inspiration… Continue Reading…


beach grass

Beach grass dots the landscape of Long Beach along Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, between Tofino and Ucluelet. It’s amazing to see these tufts of grass growing through the sand. Beach grass apparently thrives under conditions of shifting sands and… Continue Reading…


derelict boat

Boats weather all kinds of storms, but neglect and abandonment can be the final storm of them all. Derelict boats can be found in hidden corners and in plain sight. They rot and rust until their is no float left… Continue Reading…


classic car

Not all classic cars are restored. Sometimes you find them like this, abandoned and forgotten. Black and white photography is about capturing and preserving moments in time. No matter when you look at it next, the timelessness of the image… Continue Reading…